

53 Uppsatser om Pays d´Auge - Sida 1 av 4

Pays d´Auge godkända cideräppelsorter för odling i Falun/Borlänge

Huvudsaklig målsättning i uppsatsen är att undersöka om cideräppelsorter använda till att framställa  cider Pays d´Auge går att odla i Falun/Borlänge. Andra mål är att undersöka vilka odlingsförutsättningar som kan ge ett gynnsamt mikroklimat för äppelodling i Falun/Borlänge samt undersöka andra omständigheter som kan ge ett äppelträd en positiv utveckling i Falun/Borlänge.De metoder som används i uppsatsen är : Litteraturstudier, informationsökning över internet samt intervjuer.Resultat visar på att 14 av sammanlagt 48 för uppsatsen undersökta cideräpplesorter troligen har tillräcklig härdighet för att kunna odlas i Falun/Borlänge.Resultat visar också på att värmealstrande mikroklimat samt positiv utveckling av ett äppelträd kan fås genom ?rätt? läge, utforming av odlingytan samt skötsel.I disskussionen sammanställs och analyseras  ett destillat av informationen från resultatdelen. .

Ett gestaltningsförslag på en trädgård anpassad till äldre vårdtagare och personer med demenssjukdom i särskilt boende

Huvudsaklig målsättning i uppsatsen är att undersöka om cideräppelsorter använda till att framställa  cider Pays d´Auge går att odla i Falun/Borlänge. Andra mål är att undersöka vilka odlingsförutsättningar som kan ge ett gynnsamt mikroklimat för äppelodling i Falun/Borlänge samt undersöka andra omständigheter som kan ge ett äppelträd en positiv utveckling i Falun/Borlänge.De metoder som används i uppsatsen är : Litteraturstudier, informationsökning över internet samt intervjuer.Resultat visar på att 14 av sammanlagt 48 för uppsatsen undersökta cideräpplesorter troligen har tillräcklig härdighet för att kunna odlas i Falun/Borlänge.Resultat visar också på att värmealstrande mikroklimat samt positiv utveckling av ett äppelträd kan fås genom ?rätt? läge, utforming av odlingytan samt skötsel.I disskussionen sammanställs och analyseras  ett destillat av informationen från resultatdelen. .

Principen att förorenaren betalar och den svenska miljöbalken

Kostnader förenade med återställande av förorenad natur är ofta stora och frågan är vem som skall betala. I princip finns det tre grundmönster för fördelningen av betalningsansvaret: kollektivt ansvar, individuellt ansvar och gruppansvar. Betalningsansvaret för miljöskador flyttas i allt högre grad från staten till enskilda förorenare. Detta synsätt överensstämmer också med den allmänna skadeståndsrättsliga principen att den som orsakar en skada är skyldig att reparera eller ersätta densamma. Finansieringssättet baserat på individuellt ansvar har formulerats i principen att förorenaren betalar, Polluter Pays Principle eller PPP.

Språkförbistring i översättning: Svårigheter med att översätta franskt talspråk och ungdomsspråk i boken "Pays de malheur!"

Detta examensarbete grundar sig på en översättning av boken "Pays de malheur!". Arbetet är indelat i tre delar; en översättning, en förberedande textanalys och slutligen en djupanalys. Syftet med arbetet har varit att åstadkomma en god översättning som uppfyller mottagargruppens krav men som samtidigt respekterar källtexten och dess författare. Utmärkande för e-breven som boken grundar sig på är deras talspråkliga, ungdomsspråkliga och informella stil och det var även dessa drag som ställde till mest svårigheter vid översättningsarbetet. Talspråk och ungdomsspråk visade sig vara relativt olika språken emellan vilket föranledde en kompensationsstrategi på textbindnings-, syntax- och lexikonnivå.

Hållbart jordbruk inom vattenskyddsområde : En studie om Sverige, Danmark, Frankrike och Tyskland

To guarantee protection of our drinking water, water catchment protections are established. These are divided into three different zones and in the first zone it is most likely that an activity, such as agriculture, will contaminate the water resource. Hence the activities are strongly regulated or banned. The EU communion is working towards a sustained water quality through several directives; Nitrate Directive, Waterframwork directives and Sustainable use of pesticide directive. The main purpose is to regulate the diffuse pollution from agriculture.This thesis is about how Denmark, Germany and France are working towards a sustainable agriculture within water protection areas.

Förmånsrätt : Har alla borgenärer lika rätt?

By the time the law of preferential right was legislated the purpose of the law was to give all creditors equal rights. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to analyze the law in force and unravel whether the purpose of the law has been fulfilled or not. If a deviation has been made I will decide whether it can be justified.Since 1st of January 2004 the preferential right regarding taxes has been abolished. Since then the claims of the Government do not have any preferential right.

Hållbar Ö ? en analys av möjligheterna att försörja ett modellösamhälle i Stilla Havet med solel

The goal of this paper is to provide a model for a sustainable electricity system to an island, in the Pacific Ocean near the equator.The method which has been used is to model supply and demand of electricity in the computer program Stella, through the creation of a dynamic system that balances them against each other. The result from the model will then be used to calculate the electricity price per kWh for the island.The result of the work is that electricity from solar energy is comparable with electricity produced from oil, if the oil pays for all its external costs, and the potential for pumped hydro storage plants is located. It also requires that consumers of electricity can be their own producers to avoid the expenditure of tax and reducing the cost of distribution. But since oil is a finite resource and has had a rising cost in recent years, while solar energy has had a declining cost, perhaps this will be a more competitive solution in the future.

Företagsförvärv: En studie av redovisningsdatas inverkan på förvärvspremien

Although previous research conclude that mergers and acquisitions do not always lead to improved profitability or increased shareholder return, the number and size of M&A?s is steadily increasing. In this thesis we examine why an acquirer pays a price higher than the market value. Can accounting data explain the size of the premium? 618 European transactions between 1997 and 2008 are examined and relationships between the targets? accounting data and the premium is analysed through statistical regressions.

Ansvarsfrågan vid fuktspärrsarbete i våtutrymme

This final project is an investigation about the responsibility in rooms where the walls and floors are exposed or partly exposed to irrigation of water, as a bathroom, laundry room and WC. The cost for all water damage is valued for 5 000 000 000 SEK each year. How is this possible with all information about the problem and good materials? Who is responsible? Incites had been made in the subject throw reading reports and participation in courses about how to make a room mention above. Discussions have been made with workers in the trade of making the walls waterproof.The conclusion in the rapport is about who´s responsible for the damages and will pay the cost of the renovation. The responsibility is discussed between the contractor and the insurance company.

Gymnasieelevers uppfattning om DNA, gener och genteknik

Rural development in Southeast Sweden- three different views and their consequences for the agrarian landscapeThis paper deals with the future for the rural areas of the southeast province of Östergötland, Sweden. The aim is to unveil, analyse and compare different views on rural development and their consequences for the agrarian landscape. Three views are considered, namely that of the different levels of Governments and their departments, that of the farmers and landowners and, finaly, that of the inhabitants of the rural areas.Differences in the views upon rural development is reflected in differences in the ways of thinking of landscapes. Is the open, and actively cultivated, landscape the ideal for all? Who is to decide what needs or ought to be done to achieve certain desired values and/or goals ? and who pays for it? The one thing that is, and should be, clear from the beginning is that all development, whether positive or negative in an area, bears consequences for the landscape.

Interaktion mellan män på Internetforumen Sekreterarakademin & Flashback : där sambandet är köp av sexuella

In this study I will analyze how men who buy sex interact with one another on two different Internet communities: ?Sekreterarakademin? and ?Flashback?. This analysis is carried out in an attempt to challenge the conventional image of the man who pays for sex.The aim is to examine the role of Internet forums for men who buy sexual services related to cross-border, both in terms of standard borders, gender boundaries, boundaries of sexuality and masculinity. I will also attempt to investigate what opportunities that are available to overrun different borders and how these opportunities affect the conditions of the various players. I will evaluate theories such as homosocialtet, hegemonic masculinity and normalization used by KAST (Köpare Av Sexuella Tjänster, the Swedish public support for clients of sexual services) and which are partially consolidated in studies published by KAST concerning issues related to internet based prostitution..

Landsbygdsutveckling i Östergötland : - tre aktörsperspektiv och deras konsekvenser för landskapet

Rural development in Southeast Sweden- three different views and their consequences for the agrarian landscapeThis paper deals with the future for the rural areas of the southeast province of Östergötland, Sweden. The aim is to unveil, analyse and compare different views on rural development and their consequences for the agrarian landscape. Three views are considered, namely that of the different levels of Governments and their departments, that of the farmers and landowners and, finaly, that of the inhabitants of the rural areas.Differences in the views upon rural development is reflected in differences in the ways of thinking of landscapes. Is the open, and actively cultivated, landscape the ideal for all? Who is to decide what needs or ought to be done to achieve certain desired values and/or goals ? and who pays for it? The one thing that is, and should be, clear from the beginning is that all development, whether positive or negative in an area, bears consequences for the landscape.

Småhusutformning och solenergiutnyttjande

This paper goes through solar energy and what uses it has. It is also a guide in the choice of solar collectors forthe real estate that I have drawn for the thesis work.Solar energy is a renewable source of energy from the Sun's light. Energy can be used to produce both heat andelectricity through solar collectors and solar cells. Some of the benefits of solar energy is that it is completely freeto extract, environmentally friendly and virtually maintenance-free. Disadvantages are that the technology isexpensive, does not cover the entire energy needs and takes a long time until it pays.

Likviditetsgaranti ur ett företagsperspektiv

The aim of this paper is to investigate the underlying motifs leading to the decision to appoint a supplemental liquidity provider and how they vary between companies. As the first study of its kind to take on an internal company perspective, the goal was to broaden the knowledge base of the field and lay ground for further studies. The study has been conducted by interviewing companies providing the service, their customers and the stock exchanges which they are traded on. The results show that there are two main motifs for appointing a liquidity provider, 1) Creating conditions for increased trade and 2) Improving the pricing of the stock. There was also a supplemental group 3) Other motifs consisting of the observations that would not fit in any of the main categories.

Göta älvbron, övervakning med optisk fiber : Ekonomisk analys

The Göta älv-bridge is a welded steelbridge which is located in Gothenburg,it connects the inner city of Gothenburgwith the island Hisingen. Cracks wasdiscovered in the steel in 1999-2000which started an investigation of thebridge to clearify the condition of thebridge. The conclusion was a monitoringsystem based on laser light sent throughan optical fiber.This report describes the bridge, thedamages, the monitoring system and thetraffic on the bridge.Stefan Pup, at Vectura Borlänge was mysupervisor during this work. In myinvestigation the costs of themonitoring system and the costs ofclosing the bridge is compared andevaluated. The biggest investigatingpart is the costs of closing the bridge.The results of my investigations is thatclosing the Göta älv-bridge would cost 1107 300 SEK / day.

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